The Value Of Lobbying In Leadership

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The Value Of Lobbying By Asim Qureshi

The value of lobbying is influence. That is to say, through gaining a favorable outcome for an interest group. As a result, a variety of such groups exists in leading capital cities around the world. Therefore, spending large amounts to gain access with elected representatives, lawmakers, and the government at large.

The Value Of Lobbying and Roles

  • Lobbyist: Defined by employment or payment to advocate an interest.
  • Interest Groups: Defined by the shared interest in advancing a common goal
  • Organizations: Creating influence largely through political donations
  • Political Action Committees: Controlling political donations / corporate money.
  • Revolving Doors: Individuals who open doors to key decision-makers
  • Shadowy Groups: Working for Big-Business and Wealthy individuals spending to influence

Difference Between Advocates and Lobbyists

Advocacy is arguing in favor of a cause or idea. Be it environmental protection, minority rights, or the myriad other issues that affect people every day. 

There is no limit to the amount of advocacy a person or organization (such as a nonprofit) can do.

  • Telling a member of the law-making assembly how a policy affects constituents
  • Using social media to get the word out about a cause/issue
  • Meeting a government official to explain how a problem/issue is affecting a particular group or organization, etc.

Lobbying is an attempt to influence a politician or public official on an issue. Such as:

  • Asking your elected representatives to vote for or against, or to amend or introduce, particular legislation
  • Writing to members of your group. Asking them to contact their elected representatives in support of or opposition to legislation or pending regulations
  • Generating an online petition asking members of your organization (direct lobbying) or members of the public (grassroots lobbying) to contact their legislator(s) to support or oppose particular legislation

While industries differ in nature, common strategies exist across the spectrum of lobbying. Some of my favorite ones include:


Many story angles need to be pitched months in advance for media coverage. For example, newspapers, broadcast, and digital publications through PR. Also, identify the spokesperson in advance would help communicate the cause effectively.ย 

Plan at least 6-9 months calendar of leading to interaction with stakeholders. Include lawmakers on your mailing list for newsletters, and make sure you are on their mailing lists, as well. Ask your political representatives to state their views.

Conduct diligence on intentions and tones.

The Value Of Lobbying By Asim Qureshi
Photo Credits Unsplash

The 20 Minutes Rule

Take 20 minutes of your time to contact a lawmaker by letter, phone, e-mail, office visit, etc. That is all you need to communicate effectively in a meeting with someone. 

Get to the point fast, and focus on your issue. Assess what you can realistically achieve now, and work on the rest later.

If their position agrees with yours, ask what you can do to strengthen that support and how you can get others to help support them. If their stance is different from yours, ask what information or show of public support is necessary to change that position.

Branding Matters

The goal is for your organization and its purpose to be increasingly recognizable, memorable, and impactful from one year to the next. Therefore, provide advocates with social media toolkits recommending content, timelines, and visuals, but keep it flexible enough for them to use their tones and voices.

โ€œWhy is this cause important to you?โ€ 

The Good Loser

Don’t burn bridges. Moreover, be patient. Remember that legislation, regulation, and governments take months if not years.

 As a result. Write a thank-you note to the decision-maker. However, the outcome.

The Value Of Lobbying By Asim Qureshi
Photo Credits Unsplash

Furthermore. You are investing in the future. It is almost always the way it works.

The Numbers Game

Remind your legislators how many people share your position.This activity raises their authenticity in support of the messages you want legislators to hear loudly and clearly.

Likewise.Invite lawmakers to your locations to listen and meet with people. Make it an invitation-only event. 

In conclusion. The value of lobbying is in numbers.


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Ms. Khan
Ms. Khan

Words of Wisdom.

Fatima Khan
Fatima Khan

Very timely and wise for Pakistanis especially today.

Rudranayaran Kamila
Rudranayaran Kamila

Good Read..knowledgable and simply explained.

Sunil Achari
Sunil Achari

The Good Loser. I love this. Brilliant.

Shahmeer Khan
Shahmeer Khan

Excellent Boss. Diplomacy and Lobbying is weak point of us Pakistanis.

Ahram Khan
Ahram Khan

Please Sir! I want to work with you I can do freelance digital marketing

Riaz Ahmed
Riaz Ahmed

Pakistan cricket also needs to learn lobbying like this.

Noa Hadad
Noa Hadad

Lobbying is one of the most powerful tools in managing change. Those who understand and practice it well simply win the world over.

Ramiz Dayo
Ramiz Dayo

Good Blog. Lobbying is key to success in world today.

Firat Ozcan
Firat Ozcan

Good Blog and happy to connect with you.

Arun Kumar
Arun Kumar

Excellent and Wise

Suresh Bhadana
Suresh Bhadana

Donโ€™t burn bridges. Moreover, be patient This says everything.

Nauman Awan
Nauman Awan

I think Imran Khan is good in lobbying also on personal level.

Laura Araujo
Laura Araujo

I think climate change is biggest threat to the whole world and lobbying is the only option and tool we have as governments around the world are busy in power politics. We all need to lobby in our own capacities.


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